Microsoft Office Access 2003

Microsoft Office Access 2003

by John Pierce, Paul Pardi

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Delivering self-paced, learn-by-doing experience with Access 2003, this book allows readers to choose exactly how they want to learn: by using the book's learning roadmap to plot the course; by selecting relevant lessons and hands-on practice exercises; by assessing progress along the way; and by applying new skills to real-world scenarios. The companion CD-ROM

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Delivering self-paced, learn-by-doing experience with Access 2003, this book allows readers to choose exactly how they want to learn: by using the book's learning roadmap to plot the course; by selecting relevant lessons and hands-on practice exercises; by assessing progress along the way; and by applying new skills to real-world scenarios. The companion CD-ROM features samples, exercises, templates, and eBook.

Product Details

Microsoft Press
Publication date:
Bpg-Other Series
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
8.03(w) x 10.04(h) x 1.26(d)

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