Microsoft Office: Access 2003 Professional Results

Microsoft Office: Access 2003 Professional Results

by Noel Jerke

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Create and manage a robust Access database using this advanced guide. You'll get full coverage of all the new features, including Smart Tags and enhanced XML support. Learn to write advanced queries with the query wizard and the design view, import and export data, program with Web Matrix and .NET, and build Access Data Projects with SQL Server. Database backup and

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Create and manage a robust Access database using this advanced guide. You'll get full coverage of all the new features, including Smart Tags and enhanced XML support. Learn to write advanced queries with the query wizard and the design view, import and export data, program with Web Matrix and .NET, and build Access Data Projects with SQL Server. Database backup and security issues are also covered.

Product Details

McGraw-Hill Companies, The
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.42(w) x 9.14(h) x 0.86(d)

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