Microsoft Ole Db 1.1 Programmer's Reference and Software Development Kit: Complete Information and Tools to Give Your Applications Data Account

Microsoft Ole Db 1.1 Programmer's Reference and Software Development Kit: Complete Information and Tools to Give Your Applications Data Account

by Microsoft Press, Microsoft Corporation

This kit offers complete information and tools to give users' applications universal data access. As a result of the reception of the OLE DB 1.0 SDK, customers are clamoring for printed copies of the "OLE DB Programmer's Reference". The "OLE DB 1.1 Programmer's Reference" includes minor enhancements and bug fixes to the 1.0 documentation, as well as a full index,

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This kit offers complete information and tools to give users' applications universal data access. As a result of the reception of the OLE DB 1.0 SDK, customers are clamoring for printed copies of the "OLE DB Programmer's Reference". The "OLE DB 1.1 Programmer's Reference" includes minor enhancements and bug fixes to the 1.0 documentation, as well as a full index, not available in the previous version.

Product Details

Microsoft Press
Publication date:
Microsoft Professional Editions Series
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
7.43(w) x 8.98(h) x 1.92(d)

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