Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Bible

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Bible

by Paul Nielsen

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"Something for everyone . . . this book includes examples to demonstrate concepts along with little-known technical information about SQL Server."
-Melinda S. King, President of Best Technology Solutions, Inc.
* Master the bestselling client/server database platform
* Build high-performance, enterprise-class databases
* Analyze data with advanced SQL

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"Something for everyone . . . this book includes examples to demonstrate concepts along with little-known technical information about SQL Server."
-Melinda S. King, President of Best Technology Solutions, Inc.
* Master the bestselling client/server database platform
* Build high-performance, enterprise-class databases
* Analyze data with advanced SQL techniques

If Microsoft SQL Server 2000 can do it, you can do it too . . .

Here's everything you need to harness the power of SQL Server 2000, Microsoft's high-performance, Web-enabled client/server database and data analysis package. With a focus on performance and data integrity, database expert Paul Nielsen shows you how to design performance into your database from day one. From basic installation to working with XML, monitoring, and performance tuning - a topic so hot, it merits an entire section - Nielsen provides clear instructions, sound theory, and a special "Best Practice" icon that points to the most effective way to accomplish a given task. It's more than a guidebook; it's your total SQL Server 2000 toolkit.

Inside, you'll find complete coverage of SQL Server development
* Design database schemas for performance, adapt integrity, and agility
* Understand ACID and Transactional Integrity and build rock-solid databases
* Use relational algebra to write powerful queries
* Tune indexes as the bridge between data and query
* Analyze Query Execution plans for performance
* Create T-SQL stored procedures, triggers, and user-defined functions
* Share data using DTS, distributed queries, XML, and ADO.NET
* Analyze data with Analysis Services
* Add advanced scalability, availability, performance, and portability to your database

Bonus CD-ROM!
* Sample database applications and code examples from the book
* SQL Server utilities
* Links to Web sites, including the author's SQL Server Web site,

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Product Details

Publication date:
Bible Series, #49
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
7.40(w) x 9.20(h) x 1.90(d)

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