Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database Development From Scratch

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database Development From Scratch

5.0 1
by Rob Hawthorne

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Microsoft SQL Server Database Development from Scratch is a road map to database management, implementation, and administration. Author Rob Hawthorne teaches readers how to create, maintain, and increase performance within the application. Concepts and techniques are reinforced as readers create a spy tracker database.See more details below


Microsoft SQL Server Database Development from Scratch is a road map to database management, implementation, and administration. Author Rob Hawthorne teaches readers how to create, maintain, and increase performance within the application. Concepts and techniques are reinforced as readers create a spy tracker database.

Editorial Reviews

Designed for those who have some programming and database experience (though it claims this is not necessary), this book uses extensive screen shots, illustrations and tables to show how to create, manage, administer and maintain a database from scratch. It also provides knowledge necessary for building a foundation on which to further develop skills in the application. The included CD-ROM contains Microsoft's SQL Server 2000 120-Day Enterprise Evaluation Version. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

Pearson Education
Publication date:
From Scratch Series
Product dimensions:
7.38(w) x 9.06(h) x 1.28(d)

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