Microsoft SQL Server 2000 DBA Survival Guide

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 DBA Survival Guide

by Mark Spenik, Orryn Sledge

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Microsoft SQL Server 2000 DBA Survival Guide is organized into several parts that comprise the various jobs and tasks the DBA performs. Each chapter is presented with the goal of providing knowledge and "know-how" to Database Administrators of a SQL Server database. The chapters also offer real-world insight and experience by passing on tips, tricks, and

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Microsoft SQL Server 2000 DBA Survival Guide is organized into several parts that comprise the various jobs and tasks the DBA performs. Each chapter is presented with the goal of providing knowledge and "know-how" to Database Administrators of a SQL Server database. The chapters also offer real-world insight and experience by passing on tips, tricks, and suggestions based on what the authors have learned the hard way. The book also takes time to provide checklists and examples for various SQL Server DBA tasks. The book also provides insight into the tasks that make-up a DBA's job including discussions of topics such as the creation of naming standards and conventions which are essential for efficient administration.

Editorial Reviews

Spenik and Sledge, both computer professionals, offer advice on how to get around in and ultimately to manage the SQL Server environment. They cover such topics as how to: install SQL Server 2000; configure and tune SQL Server 2000; manage database users and security; automate common database administration tasks; import and export data with DTS, BCP, and Bulk Insert; replicate the database for multiple remote users; and implement a variety of tips and tricks that will make using SQL Server 2000 easier and more efficient. The enclosed CD-ROM includes code listings, web resources, and products such as Knosys ProClarity 3.0 OLAP Evaluation software. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

Publication date:
Sams White Books Series
Edition description:
Older Edition
Product dimensions:
7.34(w) x 9.12(h) x 2.14(d)

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