Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Implementation : Volumes 1 and 2 / With Two CDs / Edition 1

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Implementation : Volumes 1 and 2 / With Two CDs / Edition 1

by Course Technology

Designed for up to five days of instructor-led training, this Course ILT manual will prepare individuals to pass the MCSE Windows 2000 Exam# 70-229.See more details below


Designed for up to five days of instructor-led training, this Course ILT manual will prepare individuals to pass the MCSE Windows 2000 Exam# 70-229.

Product Details

Cengage Learning
Publication date:
Edition description:
New Edition
Product dimensions:
9.84(w) x 11.02(h) x (d)

Related Subjects

Table of Contents

Unit 1: SQL Server fundamentals Topic A: Introduction Topic B: Access and object basics Topic C: Tools and utilities Unit 2: Database design Topic A: Business analysis Topic B: Data modeling Topic C: Application design and database implementation Unit 3: Database implementation Topic A: Database design Topic B: Creating and modifying databases Topic C: Managing databases Unit 4: Implementing tables Topic A: Database objects Topic B: Data types Topic C: Table management Topic D: Managing constraints, rules, and defaults Topic E: Managing indexes Unit 5: Data load and transfer Topic A: Using bulk copy program (bcp) and BULK INSERT Topic B: Using Data Transformation Services (DTS) Topic C: Designing for replication Unit 6: Data retrieval Topic A: Data retrieval Topic B: T-SQL functions Topic C: Organizing data Topic D: Joins and subqueries Topic E: Heterogeneous data sources Topic F: XML data manipulation Unit 7: SQL programming Topic A: Programming fundamentals Topic B: Security and error fundamentals Topic C: Control-of-flow statements Topic D: Views Topic E: Stored procedures Topic F: User-defined functions (UDFs) Unit 8: Data manipulation Topic A: Data modification Topic B: Transactions and locking Topic C: Using server cursors Topic D: Using triggers Unit 9: Database optimization Topic A: Management tools Topic B: Managing locks Topic C: Database object optimization Topic D: Query optimization Appendix A: Case study Topic A: Business description Topic B: Project concerns Topic C: Project goals Appendix B: Additional object references Topic A: System tables Topic B: System functions Topic C: Data types and precision storage Topic D: DBCC command statements

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