Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition

by Prashant Dhingra, Trent Swanson

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SQL Server Compact Edition is a slimmed down version of SQL Server that you can use on Pocket PCs, Smart phones, Tablet PCs, and Desktops. With this book, you will learn how to build applications for resource constrained devices. You’ll discover how the SQL Server Compact Edition database can also be used as an embedded in-proc database for desktop-based

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SQL Server Compact Edition is a slimmed down version of SQL Server that you can use on Pocket PCs, Smart phones, Tablet PCs, and Desktops. With this book, you will learn how to build applications for resource constrained devices. You’ll discover how the SQL Server Compact Edition database can also be used as an embedded in-proc database for desktop-based applications. You’ll learn how to manage the SQL Server Compact Edition database using SQL Server Management Studio, Visual Studio, and Query Analyzer.

Laptops, Tablet PCs, and mobile devices enable information workers to access enterprise data from remote locations. With the step-by-step exercises provided in this book, you’ll learn how to synchronize data between SQL Server and SQL Server Compact Edition. You’ll also learn Remote Data Access–a lightweight method to exchange data between SQL Server and SQL Server Compact Edition. Also in this book are code samples to help you write database applications for mobile devices and for desktop PCs. Throughout the book you’ll find expert tips for building and deploying enterprise applications.

Understand how to…

  • Build mobile and desktop applications using SQL Server Compact Edition
  • Set up the development and production environment with Visual Studio, SQL Server, and SQL Server Compact Edition
  • Optimize performance and plan for security
  • Manage databases using SQL Server Management Studio, Visual Studio, and Query Analyzer
  • Develop applications using ADO.NET and OLEDB provider for SQL Server Compact Edition
  • Upgrade from earlier versions of SQL CE, .NET Compact Framework, and Visual Studio
  • Use Merge Replication to synchronize data between SQL Server and SQL Server Compact Edition
  • Exchange data between SQL Server and SQL Server Compact Edition using Remote Data Access

Introduction 1

1 Getting Started with SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition 7

2 Platform Support and Installation35

3 Getting to Know the Tools 63

4 Managing the SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition Database 109

5 Defining Database Structure 131

6 Manipulating the Database 175

7 Programming SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition with ADO.NET 205

8 Introducing Native Access 247

9 Using Operators in SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition 279

10 Using the Built-In Functions 295

11 Upgrading from a Previous Version 327

12 Synchronizing Data with Merge Replication 345

13 Synchronizing Data with Remote Data Access 411

14 Securing the SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition Database 459

15 SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition Performance Tuning 505

Index 551

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Product Details

Publication date:
SQL Server Series
Edition description:
Compact Edition
Product dimensions:
7.00(w) x 9.10(h) x 1.36(d)

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