Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Programming For Dummies

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Programming For Dummies

by Andrew Watt

Create and modify databases and keep them secure

Get up to speed on using T-SQL to store and manipulate data

SQL Server 2005 improves an already great database management system. This book shows you how to put it to work in a hurry. You'll find out how to use the SQL Server Management Studio and the SQLCMD utility to write T-SQL code, retrieve data

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Create and modify databases and keep them secure

Get up to speed on using T-SQL to store and manipulate data

SQL Server 2005 improves an already great database management system. This book shows you how to put it to work in a hurry. You'll find out how to use the SQL Server Management Studio and the SQLCMD utility to write T-SQL code, retrieve data from single or multiple SQL Server tables, add data using the INSERT statement, and much more.

  • Create queries to retrieve data
  • Ensure SQL Server security
  • Use Visual Studio® 2005 with SQL Server
  • Create tables, views, and indexes
  • Work with Common Language Runtime
  • Query XML data

Product Details

Publication date:
For Dummies Series
Product dimensions:
7.40(w) x 9.20(h) x 0.90(d)

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