Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services: An Expert Cookbook

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services: An Expert Cookbook

by Reza Rad, Pedro Perfeito

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If you are an SQL database administrator or developer, looking forward to explore all the aspects of SSIS and need to use SSIS in your data transfer parts of systems, then this is the best guide for you.

This book covers all the aspects of SSIS 2012 with lots of real-world scenarios to help readers understand usages of SSIS in every environment.

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If you are an SQL database administrator or developer, looking forward to explore all the aspects of SSIS and need to use SSIS in your data transfer parts of systems, then this is the best guide for you.

This book covers all the aspects of SSIS 2012 with lots of real-world scenarios to help readers understand usages of SSIS in every environment.

Written by two SQL Server MVPs who have intense knowledge of SSIS and have been working with it for many years now.

This book starts with creating simple data transfer packages with wizards and illustrates how to create more complex data transfer packages, troubleshoot packages, make robust SSIS packages, and how to boost performance of data consolidation with SSIS. It then covers data flow transformations and advanced transformations for data cleansing, fuzzy and term extraction in detail.

Product Details

Packt Publishing
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Product dimensions:
7.50(w) x 9.25(h) x 1.14(d)

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