Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 Programming Unleashed

Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 Programming Unleashed

by Peter DeBetta, John Papa, Dave Martin

Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 Programming Unleashed will guide the reader in developing more effective and efficient programs and applications. Coverage of SQL Server programming methods in a large, enterprise environment is also included. Some of the valuable topics that will be covered are: Scalability issues and Enterprise Environment coverage Writing Effective… See more details below


Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 Programming Unleashed will guide the reader in developing more effective and efficient programs and applications. Coverage of SQL Server programming methods in a large, enterprise environment is also included. Some of the valuable topics that will be covered are: Scalability issues and Enterprise Environment coverage Writing Effective Code Data Modeling Tools Visual InterDev Transact-SQL DeBugger Advanced coding for ODBC and other connectivity tools Migration to SQL Server from another database Create modules and business objects for a fictitious business Programming solutions for Data Warehouse, Internet and Intranet applications Develop Distributed Applications Front-end development tools/languages such as Visual Basic, Visual C++, Delphi and PowerBuilder

  • Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 is a scalable, high performance database management system for Windows NT-based systems. It is the fastest database for Windows NT!
  • The Unleashed treatment provides comprehensive coverage aimed at advanced SQL programmer and developer
  • Covers programming techniques for developing data warehouse, Internet and intranet applications

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Editorial Reviews

Provides SQL Server developers and programmers with solutions to increase efficiency and improve the performance of databases and applications. Gives detailed information on how to write effective code, develop Internet/Intranet applications with ADO, RDO and IDC; program and optimize alerts and queries; manipulate onscreen objects in Visual InderDev; connect to SQL Server using ODBC, ADO, OLE-DB, RDS, IDC, and DB-Library; learn programming tips for Line-of-Business, Data Warehouse, and Web-based applications; develop applications for distribution, replication, and the Client/Server environment; and build an administrative tool to employ system and extended stored procedures. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Product Details

Publication date:
Unleashed Series
Product dimensions:
7.25(w) x 9.02(h) x 2.24(d)

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