Microsoft SQL Server DBA Developers Guide

Microsoft SQL Server DBA Developers Guide

by Mark Spenik, Orryn Sledge

Administrating a RDBMS is much more complex than the average user may think. That is why administrators will turn to the Microsoft SQL Server DBA Survival Guide. This book enhances and corrects existing documentation, providing the reader with one of the only books devoted entirely to the Microsoft SQL server database environment.

  • Step-by-step instructions
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Administrating a RDBMS is much more complex than the average user may think. That is why administrators will turn to the Microsoft SQL Server DBA Survival Guide. This book enhances and corrects existing documentation, providing the reader with one of the only books devoted entirely to the Microsoft SQL server database environment.

  • Step-by-step instructions include everything involved in running a Microsoft SQL Server RRDBMS and integrating with Microsoft BackOffice
  • Tear-out system administration quick card is included
  • Included CD-ROM contains scripts and programs shown in the book

Product Details

Publication date:
Edition description:
1st ed
Product dimensions:
7.38(w) x 9.12(h) x (d)

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