Microsoft SQL Server Training: Hands-on Self-Paced Training Kit for Version 6.5

Microsoft SQL Server Training: Hands-on Self-Paced Training Kit for Version 6.5

by Staff ofMicrosoft Corporation, Microsoft Corporation

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SQL Server is the high end database that ensures that PCs will replace mainframes, this is the product that teaches how to use it. With this self-study training kit, users learn to install, configure, administer, and troubleshoot SQL Server. This kit includes two self-paced workbook, a CD-ROM, and a video.See more details below


SQL Server is the high end database that ensures that PCs will replace mainframes, this is the product that teaches how to use it. With this self-study training kit, users learn to install, configure, administer, and troubleshoot SQL Server. This kit includes two self-paced workbook, a CD-ROM, and a video.

Product Details

Microsoft Press
Publication date:
Microsoft Training Kits Series
Edition description:
Exams 70-026 & 70-027, 2 Volumes & CD
Product dimensions:
7.53(w) x 9.48(h) x 3.81(d)

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