Mining Imperfect Data: Dealing with Contamination and Incomplete Records

Mining Imperfect Data: Dealing with Contamination and Incomplete Records

by Ronald K. Pearson

This book discusses the problems that can occur in data mining, including their sources, consequences, detection and treatment.See more details below


This book discusses the problems that can occur in data mining, including their sources, consequences, detection and treatment.

Editorial Reviews

From the Publisher
'An accessible presentation of statistical methods and analysis to deal with imperfect data in real data mining applications.' Joydeep Ghosh, University of Texas at Austin

'An appealing feature of this book is the use of fresh datasets that are much larger than those currently found in standard books on outliers and statistical diagnostics.' Anthony Atkinson, London School of Economics

'The book provides the reader with clear descriptions and accessible discussions of problems, motivations, methods and interpretations. The author excels when describing the importance of tools and their applications. The first chapter is a prime example of how to introduce important concepts and methods to a wide readership that may be composed of students, researchers and non-specialists.' Francisco J. Azuaje, BioMedical Engineering OnLine

Product Details

Publication date:
Product dimensions:
5.98(w) x 8.98(h) x 0.63(d)

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What People are saying about this

Joydeep Ghosh
"An accessible presentation of statistical methods and analysis to deal with imperfect data in real data mining applications."
University of Texas at Austin
Anthony Atkinson
"An appealing feature of this book is the use of fresh datasets that are much larger than those currently found in standard books on outliers and statistical diagnostics."
London School of Economics

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