The Modern Algebra of Information Retrieval / Edition 1

The Modern Algebra of Information Retrieval / Edition 1

by Sandor Dominich

This book takes a unique approach to information retrieval by laying down the foundations for a modern algebra of information retrieval based on lattice theory. All major retrieval methods developed so far are described in detail, along with Web retrieval algorithms, and the author shows that they all can be treated elegantly in a unified formal way, using lattice

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This book takes a unique approach to information retrieval by laying down the foundations for a modern algebra of information retrieval based on lattice theory. All major retrieval methods developed so far are described in detail, along with Web retrieval algorithms, and the author shows that they all can be treated elegantly in a unified formal way, using lattice theory as the one basic concept. The book’s presentation is characterized by an engineering-like approach.

Product Details

Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Publication date:
The Information Retrieval Series, #24
Edition description:
Softcover reprint of hardcover 1st ed. 2008
Product dimensions:
9.21(w) x 6.14(h) x 0.72(d)

Table of Contents

Mathematics Basics.- Elements of Lattice Theory.- Basics of Information Retrieval Technology.- Lattice-Based Retrieval Systems.- Boolean Retrieval.- Lattices of Subspaces and Projectors.- Vector Space Retrieval.- Fuzzy Algebra-Based Retrieval.- Probabilistic Retrieval.- Web Retrieval and Ranking.

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