Modern Analytics Methodologies: Driving Business Value with Big Data

Modern Analytics Methodologies: Driving Business Value with Big Data

by Michele Chambers, Thomas Dinsmore

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Create a complete roadmap for capitalizing on analytics to grow topline revenue and build shareholder value in your unique organization! Modern Analytics Methodologies goes far beyond the classic Analytics Maturity Model to help you overcome the gaps between your current analytics capabilities and where you need to go. Pioneering analytics experts Michele

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Create a complete roadmap for capitalizing on analytics to grow topline revenue and build shareholder value in your unique organization! Modern Analytics Methodologies goes far beyond the classic Analytics Maturity Model to help you overcome the gaps between your current analytics capabilities and where you need to go. Pioneering analytics experts Michele Chambers and Thomas Dinsmore help you implement analytics that supports your strategy, aligns with your culture, and serves your customers and stakeholders.

Drawing on work with dozens of leading enterprises, Michele Chambers and Thomas Dinsmore describe high-value applications from many industries, and help you systematically identify and deliver on your company's best opportunities. Writing for both professionals and students, they show how to:

  • Leverage the convergence of macro trends ranging from "flattening" and "green" to Big Data and machine learning
  • Go beyond the Analytics Maturity Model: power your unique business strategy with an equally focused analytics strategy
  • Link key business objectives with core characteristics of your organization, value chain, and stakeholders
  • Take advantage of game changing opportunities before competitors do
  • Effectively integrate the managerial and operational aspects of analytics
  • Measure performance with dashboards, scorecards, visualization, simulation, and more
  • Prioritize and score prospective analytics projects
  • Identify "Quick Wins" you can implement while you're planning for the long-term
  • Build an effective Analytic Program Office to make your roadmap persistent
  • Update and revise your roadmap for new needs and technologies

Modern Analytics Methodologies will be an indispensable resource for any executive or professional concerned with analytics, including Chief Analytics Officers; Chief Data Officers; Chief Scientists; Chief Marketing Officers; Chief Risk Officers; Chief Strategy Officers; VPs of Analytics or Big Data; data scientists; business strategists; and line-of-business executives.

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Product Details

Pearson FT Press
Publication date:
FT Press Operations Management Series
Edition description:
New Edition
Sales rank:
Product dimensions:
6.10(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.70(d)

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