Modern Database Management & Oracle 8i Software / Edition 5

Modern Database Management & Oracle 8i Software / Edition 5

by Fred R. McFadden

Modern Database Management is the leading text in the business database market. It's noted for its focus on the latest principles, concepts and technologies and what leading practitioners say is most important for database developers. See more details below


Modern Database Management is the leading text in the business database market. It's noted for its focus on the latest principles, concepts and technologies and what leading practitioners say is most important for database developers.

Product Details

Prentice Hall
Publication date:
Edition description:
Older Edition
Product dimensions:
8.25(w) x 10.25(h) x 2.50(d)

Table of Contents

1The database environment3
2The database development process36
3Modeling data in the organization85
4The enhanced E-R model and business rules139
5Logical database design and the relational model187
6Physical database design and performance240
7Introduction to SQL289
8Advanced SQL333
9The client/server database environment368
10The Internet database environment392
11Data warehousing420
12Data and database administration483
13Overview : distributed databases544
14Overview : object-oriented data modeling548
15Overview : object-oriented database development556
App. AData modeling tools and notation562
App. BAdvanced normal forms572
App. CData structures578
App. DObject-relational databases591

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