Multimedia Database Systems: Issues and Research Directions / Edition 1

Multimedia Database Systems: Issues and Research Directions / Edition 1

by Sushil G. Jajodia

The emerging information superhighway will bring to homes and businesses the ability to access and manipulate a vast amount of information stored in a variety of forms in different databases. Multimedia systems facilitate the access and manipulation of such information across high-speed networks. Multimedia database systems (MDSs) are a new generation of database

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The emerging information superhighway will bring to homes and businesses the ability to access and manipulate a vast amount of information stored in a variety of forms in different databases. Multimedia systems facilitate the access and manipulation of such information across high-speed networks. Multimedia database systems (MDSs) are a new generation of database systems that will provide a unified and interactive framework for users to request and integrate information stored in a variety of media. Applications of such systems in scientific research, commercial and business activities (via interactive TV systems), law enforcement, and military operations are numerous and obvious. This book presents basic research on the theory, implementations, and applications of MDSs. It will form a valuable text for advanced courses.

Product Details

Springer-Verlag New York, LLC
Publication date:
Artificial Intelligence Series
Edition description:
New Edition
Product dimensions:
6.41(w) x 9.54(h) x 0.92(d)

Table of Contents

Towards a Theory of Multimedia Database Systems1
A Unified Approach to Data Modelling and Retrieval for a Class of Image Database Applications37
The QBISM Medical Image DBMS79
Retrieval of Pictures Using Approximate Matching101
Ink as a First-Class Datatype in Multimedia Databases113
Indexing for Retrieval by Similarity165
Filtering Distance Queries in Image Retrieval185
Stream-based Versus Structured Video Objects: Issues, Solutions, and Challenges215
The Storage and Retrieval of Continuous Media Data237
Querying Multimedia Databases in SQL263
Multimedia Authoring Systems279
Metadata for Building the Multimedia Patch Quilt297

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