Murach's ADO. NET 4 Database Programming with VB 2010 / Edition 4

Murach's ADO. NET 4 Database Programming with VB 2010 / Edition 4

5.0 1
by Anne Boehm, Ged Mead

If you know the basics of Visual Basic, this book will have you using ADO.NET to develop full-featured database applications in no time. It covers all the crucial ADO.NET skills for both Windows and web applications, including (among other things) a short database primer for beginners, data tools that let you bind data to controls to save you hours of coding, SQL… See more details below


If you know the basics of Visual Basic, this book will have you using ADO.NET to develop full-featured database applications in no time. It covers all the crucial ADO.NET skills for both Windows and web applications, including (among other things) a short database primer for beginners, data tools that let you bind data to controls to save you hours of coding, SQL queries, database classes for 3-layer applications, XML, introductions to LINQ and the Entity Framework, and the most practical coverage of the Report Designer and Report Viewer for local reports that we�ve seen.

Product Details

Murach, Mike & Associates, Inc.
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.80(w) x 9.86(h) x 1.48(d)

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