MySQL Administrator's Bible

MySQL Administrator's Bible

by Sheeri K. Cabral, Keith Murphy

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Whether you're a novice or experienced DBA, this book has all you need to learn MySQL

MySQL Administrator's Bible is designed to provide a solid framework for a beginning MySQL DBA or an experienced DBA transitioning from another database platform. The book starts with the fundamentals of MySQL database management, including MySQL's unique approach to SQL queries

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Whether you're a novice or experienced DBA, this book has all you need to learn MySQL

MySQL Administrator's Bible is designed to provide a solid framework for a beginning MySQL DBA or an experienced DBA transitioning from another database platform. The book starts with the fundamentals of MySQL database management, including MySQL's unique approach to SQL queries, data and index types, stored procedures and functions, triggers and views, and transactions. The authors continue with comprehensive coverage of major MySQL Server components and processes for which DBAs are responsible—these include:

  • MySQL Server tuning
  • Query optimization and index tuning
  • Managing storage engines
  • Caching
  • Authentication and managing users
  • Partitioning; Replication; Logging
  • Database and performance monitoring
  • Security; Backup and Recovery
  • Managing availability and scaling
  • Fully covers MySQL 5.1

Companion Web Site

The book's Companion Web Site includes a tutorial on foundational SQL programming that all MySQL DBAs need to understand, plus code examples, scripts, and data schemas used in the book. You'll also learn about the latest changes in MySQL and find helpful links. Visit the site at

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Product Details

Publication date:
Bible Series
Sales rank:
Product dimensions:
7.30(w) x 9.20(h) x 1.90(d)

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