MySQL Management and Administration with Navicat

MySQL Management and Administration with Navicat

by Gökhan Ozar

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WHO THIS BOOK IS WRITTEN FOR This book is for Database administrators (DBA), Developers who use MySQL as a back-end database, IT Analysts (both novice and expert) and even Non-IT people who just want to extract sensible data from a MySQL database.

Beginners can learn from scratch the fundamentals of database design and administration (and even some development) by

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WHO THIS BOOK IS WRITTEN FOR This book is for Database administrators (DBA), Developers who use MySQL as a back-end database, IT Analysts (both novice and expert) and even Non-IT people who just want to extract sensible data from a MySQL database.

Beginners can learn from scratch the fundamentals of database design and administration (and even some development) by working along with the tutorials featured in the book.
Experts can unlock the full functionality of Navicat, including those features that may not have been immediately obvious.


MySQL Management and Administration with Navicat is a practical guide to the software, for beginner and intermediate level users, covering essential actions, quick tips, and additional ideas for maximum productivity.

Any database designer who wants to accomplish both everyday tasks and more advanced actions with a few clicks or drag-and-drops can now do so using Navicat's advanced tools and this book.

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Product Details

Packt Publishing
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.50(w) x 9.25(h) x 0.29(d)

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