MySQL: Building User Interfaces

MySQL: Building User Interfaces

by Matthew Stucky

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MySQL: Designing User Interfaces starts by introducing the functionality of GTK+ and how to migrate from Microsoft's Visual Basic. It then introduces MySQL as a simple, fast, reliable database for corporate applications.

The book then flows into the how-to of combining GTK+ and MySQL through the coverage of the C API for MySQL because it is the "backend"

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MySQL: Designing User Interfaces starts by introducing the functionality of GTK+ and how to migrate from Microsoft's Visual Basic. It then introduces MySQL as a simple, fast, reliable database for corporate applications.

The book then flows into the how-to of combining GTK+ and MySQL through the coverage of the C API for MySQL because it is the "backend" to a GTK+ application. It then expands its coverage and teaches about heterogeneous network and deployment issues, as well as migration from existing systems to MySQL.

Editorial Reviews

This book is intended for corporate developers who are considering whether to switch their organization to the Linux operating system and the MySQL database server. The author introduces the GTK+ toolkit for creating the user interface and Glade as the integrated development environment. The second half of the book consists of three example implementations for order entry, commission calculation, and management reporting. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

Publication date:
Landmark Series
Product dimensions:
7.01(w) x 8.99(h) x 1.36(d)

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