MySQL, Third Edition / Edition 3

MySQL, Third Edition / Edition 3

by Paul DuBois

A new edition of this title is available, ISBN-10: 0672329387 ISBN-13: 9780672329388

For years, MySQL has been helping MySQL developers and database administrators learn their MySQL system inside and out. This newest edition has been updated to include information on MySQL 5 and it will prove itself again to you as being the most definitive

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A new edition of this title is available, ISBN-10: 0672329387 ISBN-13: 9780672329388

For years, MySQL has been helping MySQL developers and database administrators learn their MySQL system inside and out. This newest edition has been updated to include information on MySQL 5 and it will prove itself again to you as being the most definitive reference guide to using, administering and programming MySQL databases. You'll learn everything from the basics to using MySQL to generate dynamic web pages to administering MySQL servers. This edition has been reviewed by the top developers in the MySQL community and the changes reflect their feedback, as well as the feedback of many other readers, and it has turned out to be the most comprehensive, thorough edition of MySQL to date. Don't go to work without it!

Product Details

Publication date:
Developer's Library Series
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
7.00(w) x 8.96(h) x 1.80(d)

Related Subjects

Table of Contents

1Getting started with MySQL and SQL13
2MySQL SQL syntax and use103
3Working with data in MySQL209
4Query optimization297
5Introduction to MySQL programming335
6Writing MySQL programs using C353
7Writing MySQL programs using Perl DBI429
8Writing MySQL programs using PHP521
9Introduction to MySQL administration575
10The MySQL data directory581
11General MySQL administration607
12MySQL and security701
13Database backups, maintenance, and repair741
AObtaining and installing software777
BData type reference799
COperator and function reference815
DSystem, status, and user variable reference889
ESQL syntax reference933
FMySQL program reference1021
GC API reference1101
HPerl DBI API reference1153
IPHP and PEAR DB API reference1183

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