Nearest Neighbor Search: A Database Perspective

Nearest Neighbor Search: A Database Perspective

by Apostolos N. Papadopoulos

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Modern applications are both data and computationally intensive and require the storage and manipulation of voluminous traditional (alphanumeric) and nontraditional data sets (images, text, geometric objects, time-series). Examples of such emerging application domains are: Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Multimedia Information Systems, CAD/CAM,

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Modern applications are both data and computationally intensive and require the storage and manipulation of voluminous traditional (alphanumeric) and nontraditional data sets (images, text, geometric objects, time-series). Examples of such emerging application domains are: Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Multimedia Information Systems, CAD/CAM, Time-Series Analysis, Medical Information Sstems, On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP), and Data Mining. These applications pose diverse requirements with respect to the information and the operations that need to be supported. From the database perspective, new techniques and tools therefore need to be developed towards increased processing efficiency.

This monograph explores the way spatial database management systems aim at supporting queries that involve the space characteristics of the underlying data, and discusses query processing techniques for nearest neighbor queries. It provides both basic concepts and state-of-the-art results in spatial databases and parallel processing research, and studies numerous applications of nearest neighbor queries.

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Editorial Reviews

From the Publisher
From the reviews of the first edition:

"This monograph explores the way spatial database management systems aim at supporting queries that involve the space characteristics of the underlying data, and discusses query processing techniques for nearest neighbor queries. It provides both basic concepts and state-of-the-art results in spatial databases and parallel processing research … . It is an excellent reference for researchers, postgraduate students and practitioners in computer science concerned with nearest neighbor search and related issues." (Marie Duží, Zentralblatt MATH, Vol. 1076, 2006)

Product Details

Springer US
Publication date:
Series in Computer Science
Edition description:
Softcover reprint of hardcover 1st ed. 2005
Product dimensions:
9.00(w) x 6.00(h) x 0.45(d)

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