New Concepts for Parallel Object-Relational Query Processing / Edition 1

New Concepts for Parallel Object-Relational Query Processing / Edition 1

by Michael Jaedicke

During the last few years, parallel object-relational database management systems have emerged as the leading data management technology on the market. These systems are extensible by user-defined data types and user-defined functionality for the data.
This work focuses on the efficient parallel execution of user-defined functionality. The main contributions

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During the last few years, parallel object-relational database management systems have emerged as the leading data management technology on the market. These systems are extensible by user-defined data types and user-defined functionality for the data.
This work focuses on the efficient parallel execution of user-defined functionality. The main contributions describe techniques to support data parallelism for user-defined scalar and aggregate functions and intra-function parallelism for the execution of a scalar function on a large object, and a new technology to provide extensibility with regard to new set-oriented database operations that can efficiently implement user-defined functionality in parallel object-relational database management systems.

Product Details

Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Publication date:
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, #2169
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
9.21(w) x 6.14(h) x 0.37(d)

Table of Contents

Background on User-Defined Routines.- Parallel of User-Defined Functions.- Intra-function Parallelism.- The Multi-operator Method.- User-Defined Table Operators.- Implementation of UDTO.- Summary, Conclusions, and Future Work.

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