New Perspectives on Microsoft Access 2002, Comprehensive / Edition 1
  • New Perspectives on Microsoft Access 2002, Comprehensive / Edition 1
  • New Perspectives on Microsoft Access 2002, Comprehensive / Edition 1

New Perspectives on Microsoft Access 2002, Comprehensive / Edition 1

by Joseph J. Adamski, Kathy T. Finnegan, Kathleen T. Finnegan, Kathy Finnegan

Part of the New Perspectives series, this text offers a case-based, problem-solving approach and innovative technology for meaningful learning of Microsoft Access 2002.See more details below


Part of the New Perspectives series, this text offers a case-based, problem-solving approach and innovative technology for meaningful learning of Microsoft Access 2002.

Product Details

Cengage Learning
Publication date:
Edition description:
New Edition
Product dimensions:
8.34(w) x 10.84(h) x 0.97(d)

Table of Contents

Windows Tutorials 1: Exploring the Basics 2: Working with Files Introducing Microsoft Office XP Access Tutorials 1: Introduction to Microsoft Access 2002 2: Creating and Maintaining a Database 3: Querying a Database 4: Creating Forms and Reports 5: Enhancing a Table''s Design, and Creating Advanced Queries and Custom Forms 6: Creating Custom Reports 7: Integrating Access with the Web and with Other Programs 8: Using Query Wizards and Action Queries, and Defining Table Relationships 9: Automating Tasks with Macros 10:Using and Writing Visual Basic for Applications Code 11: Managing and Securing a Database Additional Cases Appendix: Relational Databases and Database Design

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