New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Access 2003, Introductory, CourseCard Edition / Edition 1

New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Access 2003, Introductory, CourseCard Edition / Edition 1

by Joseph J. Adamski, Kathy T. Finnegan, Kathleen T. Finnegan

Part of the New Perspectives series, this text offers a case-based, problem-solving approach and innovative technology for meaningful learning of Microsoft Access 2003. A great case-based introduction to Access, this text covers everything from queries and forms to creating custom reports and integrating Access with the Web and with other programs. Perfect for any

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Part of the New Perspectives series, this text offers a case-based, problem-solving approach and innovative technology for meaningful learning of Microsoft Access 2003. A great case-based introduction to Access, this text covers everything from queries and forms to creating custom reports and integrating Access with the Web and with other programs. Perfect for any introductory course or used in conjunction with our other Microsoft Office application books. Includes expanded appendix on Relational Databases.

Product Details

Cengage Learning
Publication date:
New Perspectives Series
Edition description:
New Edition
Product dimensions:
8.40(w) x 10.80(h) x 0.70(d)

Table of Contents

Using Common Features of Microsoft Office 2003 Tutorial 1: Introduction to Microsoft Access 2003 Tutorial 2: Creating and Maintaining a Database Tutorial 3: Querying a Database Tutorial 4: Creating Forms and Reports Tutorial 5: Enhancing a Table's Design, and Creating Advanced Queries Tutorial 6: Creating Custom Forms Tutorial 7: Creating Custom Reports Tutorial 8: Integrating Access with the Web and with Other Programs Appendix: Relational Databases and Database Design

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