No Stress Tech Guide to Crystal Reports XI for Beginners

No Stress Tech Guide to Crystal Reports XI for Beginners

by Indera Murphy

If you have been looking for a beginners book that has a lot of easy to understand, step-by-step instructions and screen shots that show you how to complete and master Crystal Reports XI design techniques correctly, this is the book for you. The No Stress Tech Guide To Crystal Reports XI: For Beginners workbook, is a self-paced visual guide to learning Crystal Reports… See more details below


If you have been looking for a beginners book that has a lot of easy to understand, step-by-step instructions and screen shots that show you how to complete and master Crystal Reports XI design techniques correctly, this is the book for you. The No Stress Tech Guide To Crystal Reports XI: For Beginners workbook, is a self-paced visual guide to learning Crystal Reports and is written from the perspective that the reader has not created a report before or has not used Crystal Reports. Crystal Reports is the most popular report writing software on the market. Our workbook is for the beginner and intermediate user. To help you become familiar with the options and features, this workbook contains over 600 illustrations that provide a visual tour of the software. Differences between the Standard and Professional editions are pointed out.

Product Details

Tolana Publishing
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
8.25(w) x 11.00(h) x 1.05(d)
Age Range:
15 Years

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