Object Databases in Practice / Edition 1

Object Databases in Practice / Edition 1

by Akmal B. Chaudhri, Akmal B. Chaudhri

Myths about object-oriented databases are rampant. This book debunks them, so database administrators and managers can make informed decisions about the technology. This book presents comprehensive coverage of the "pros and cons" of object-oriented databases, helping managers and administrators decide whether to implement this powerful technology.

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Myths about object-oriented databases are rampant. This book debunks them, so database administrators and managers can make informed decisions about the technology. This book presents comprehensive coverage of the "pros and cons" of object-oriented databases, helping managers and administrators decide whether to implement this powerful technology. Through 18 case studies written by expert practitioners, learn how to identify the right applications for OODBMS systems, and understand the hardware requirements and technical tradeoffs involved. The book also includes many never-before-published tips, tricks and techniques for successfully designing and implementing OODBMS in your organization. All database practitioners considering object-oriented database management systems.

Product Details

Prentice Hall
Publication date:
HP Professional Series
Edition description:
New Edition
Product dimensions:
6.25(w) x 9.25(h) x 1.12(d)

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Table of Contents



1. Object-Oriented Data Integration: Running Several Generations of Database Technology in Parallel.

Abstract. Introduction. Integration Frame. Programmer's View. Layered Model. Object Layer. Tuple Interface. Some Performance Considerations. Further Reading. Product Categories. Remote Database Access Products. Objectified Relational Databases. Federated Databases. Object-Oriented Databases with Relational Gateways. Object-Oriented Access Layers. Object-Relational Databases. Case Study: Persistent Objects in a Large Bank. Situation, Requirements and Software Environment. Why Products Failed in 1995. Our Architecture. Experiences and Summary. References.

2. An Access Layer for Object Databases: Experience Report.

Abstract. A Database Access Layer for ODBMS? The Architecture. Database. Transactions. Error Management. Interface to the Application Kernel. Filters and Iterators. Referencing Transient Objects. Software Production Environment. Experiences and Summary. References.

3. A Use of the EndGame Design Strategy.

Abstract. Introduction. Teaching Our Newcomers a Design Style. Design a Persistent Account Class. The Simple Problem. The Harder Problem. The EndGame Design Technique ("squeegee"). Application of the EndGame Strategy. Move 0: Problem Setup—Identify the Possible Area of Containment. Move 1: Secure the End-Client's Interface. Move 2: Secure the Workstation Object's Internal Design. Move 3: Secure the Distribution Service. Move 4: Secure the Server's Internal Design. Results of Applying the EndGame Technique. How Would One Decide It Is Time to Try EndGame? Comparison of EndGame with Other Design Strategies. Summary. References.

4. Building a Push-Based Information System Using an Active Database.

Abstract. Introduction. Related Work. Design Rationale. Predicate Maintained Collections. Using Predicate Maintained Collections. An Example. Experiences and Summary. Problems. Future Work. References.



5. Flight-Simulator Database: Object-Oriented Design and Implementation.

Abstract. Introduction: Why Object-Oriented Flight Simulator Technology? Computing Infrastructure. Complex Objects: Airplane Model. Type Constructors: Airport Model. Polymorphism and Covariance. Control System Modeling. Behavioral Modeling: Aerodynamics. Queries. Persistence and Dynamic Binding. Constraints and Triggers. Analysis. Experiences and Summary. References.

6. An Object-Oriented Image Database For Biomedical Research.

Abstract. Problems to be Solved. Image Boss System Overview. Software and Hardware. Various Applications and Tools Implemented. Image Boss Design. Data Abstraction. Class Hierarchy. Future Design Plans. Justification For Selecting OODB. Problems Encountered. Integration of Other Tools. Archiving. Filename Translation. Locking. Queries. Server Crashes. Primary Applications of Image Database. Conclusions. References.

7. The OSEF (Object-Oriented Software Engineering Flow) Framework.

Abstract. OSEF Architecture. General Criteria. Software Development Method. Bought Components. CASE Tool. Database Management System. Source Code Administration Tool. Debugging and Tuning Tools. GUI Builder. Built Components. Framework Class Library. Rational Rose Metaschema Model. Perl Filters and Preprocessors. OSEF Runtime Kernel and Application Control Interface. The Development Cycle. Step A: Modeling. Step B: Implementation. Rational Rose/C++. Diagrams. Exportation/Importation of Items. Code Generation Property Sets. Preserved Code Regions. Tool Evaluation. Release History. Objectivity/DB. Data Definition Language. Storage Classes. References and Handles. Iterators. Associations. Variable-Size Arrays. Physical Clustering of Objects. Indexes. Transactions and Locking. Objectivity/DB Classes in the OSEF Rose Metaschema Model. Database Architecture of OSEF Applications. Performances and Tuning. Evaluation. Release History. Database Browsing and Inspection. Unused Features. Experiences and Summary.

8. Using Objectivity/DB in an Application for Configuration Management.

Abstract. Configuration Managers and Object-Oriented Databases. Requirements of a Configuration Manager. Database Requirements. Using Objectivity/DB to Get an Implement a Configuration Manager. Organization of a Federated Database and Related Limits. The Proposed CM Model. Main Design. The CM Schema. Modeling Information Inside Associations. Final Considerations about Objectivity/DB. Automatic Association Generation in Versioning. Propagation Property of Associations. Evaluation of the CM model. Identification of the Configuration Elements. Change of Configurations. Status Accounting. Granularity. Support in Views. Conclusions. References.

9. Using an OODB for an MIS Application.

Abstract. pc-plus and its Products. A Directory Assistance Call Scenario. The MIS Application. Using VERSANT for MIS. MIS Architecture. Why VERSANT? The OODB's Impact on the Architecture. Software Development Using the OODB. Experiences and Summary.

10. Building a Multi-Petabyte Database—the RD45 Project at CERN.

Abstract. Introduction. The RD45 Project. Object Databases and Standards. Choosing an ODBMS. The ODBMS Market. HEP Event Data. Data Production and Analysis. Early Prototyping. Production Use of an ODBMS for HEP Event Data. The Interface to Mass Storage Systems. Performance and Scalability Measurements. Possible Storage Hierarchy. Use of Very Large Memories. Experiences and Summary.

11. An Astronomer's View of Object-Oriented Databases.

Abstract. Introduction. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The SDSS Archives. The Data Products. Typical Queries. Archive Architecture. Platforms, Tools, Libraries. Geometric Concepts. Experiences and Summary. References.



12. On Acquiring OODBMS Technology: An Industry Perspective and a Case Study Comparison of Objectivity/DB and VERSANT.

Abstract. Introduction. Industry Perspective. The Application. ODMG Standard. VERSANT. Design. Query Capability. Objectivity/DB. Design. Query Capability. Comparison. Summary. References.

13. Modeling Battlefield Sensor Environments: An Object Database Management System Case Study.

Abstract. Introduction. Data Model. User Interface. Database Management System. Conclusions. References.

14. Transaction Processing in the Capital Markets.

Abstract. Introduction. Technology Product Set. Relational or Object Database? Relational Databases. Object Databases. Object-Relational Database Management Systems. The Selection for Aurora. ODBMS Selection. Architectural Overview. Language Binding. Building an Object Database Adapter. Approaches to Evaluating an ODBMS. Experiences with Three ODBMSs. GemStone. ObjectStore for Smalltalk. Objectivity/Smalltalk. Experiences and Summary. References. 15 Migration Process and Consideration for the Object-Oriented Vector Product Format to ObjectStore Database Management System.

Abstract. Introduction. ODBMS Integration. Why Use an ODBMS? ODBMS Concepts. ObjectStore. OVPF Design. Introducing Object-Oriented Class Diagrams and Terms. Metadata Classes and Instances. Database Implementation. Persistent Object Webs in OVPF. ObjectStore. Experiences and Summary. References.



16. Performance Tuning Considerations and Required Tools for an OODB Application.

Abstract. Description of the Application. Performance Criteria. Application System Tuning. Application Tuning Factors. Application/OODB Tuning Factors. OODB Tuning Factors. Application/OODB Monitoring. Experiences and Summary. References.

17. Performance Evaluation and Optimization for a Financial OODB Application.

Abstract. Introduction. Database Access Types. General Directions. Where to Optimize. What to Look For. Levels of Collecting Statistical Data. Transaction Level. Use Case Level. Performance Analysis Tools. UBS Transaction Monitor and Perl Scripts. ObjectStore Performance Expert (OPE). Optimization Areas. Use Object References, Not Foreign Keys. Select Appropriate Transaction Boundaries. Reuse Instances to Avoid Frequent Object Creation and Deletion. Indexes for Associative Accesses. Extent Queries. Reduce Data Transfer for the GUI. Object Clustering. Experiences and Summary. References.

18. A Subjective View of Objectivity/DB.

Abstract. Federation-Wide Indexing in Objectivity. Background. Approaches Considered. Skip List Algorithm. Making It Generic. Benefits. Costs. Encapsulation of a Database Product to Achieve Vendor and Application Independence. Application Independence. Vendor Independence. Why Choose ODMG as the Model? Costs. Creating a Model to Fit the Underlying Database Architecture. Choosing a Database—Academic Comparison Versus Real-Life Usage. Evaluating a Product. Understanding Your Own Requirements. Experiences and Summary.


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