Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases and Applications

Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases and Applications

by Won Kim, Frederick H. Lochovsky

A growing interest in the object-oriented programming paradigm prompted the editors to compile a wide-ranging introduction to the subject, beginning with basic concepts and then covering a variety of applications in databases and other areas. Most of the contributions, by leading figures in the field, were written specifically for this volume. Topics

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A growing interest in the object-oriented programming paradigm prompted the editors to compile a wide-ranging introduction to the subject, beginning with basic concepts and then covering a variety of applications in databases and other areas. Most of the contributions, by leading figures in the field, were written specifically for this volume. Topics include object-oriented programming languages, application systems, operational object-oriented database systems,architectural issues, and directions in future research and development. ACM Press Frontier Series.

Editorial Reviews

Emphasizes how this paradigm can be applied to databases and other systems. Basic concepts are covered in addition to a variety of real applications. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)

Product Details

Addison Wesley Professional
Publication date:
ACM Press Frontier Series
Product dimensions:
6.64(w) x 9.53(h) x 1.18(d)

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