Object-Oriented Database Design Clearly Explained / Edition 1

Object-Oriented Database Design Clearly Explained / Edition 1

by Jan L. Harrington

If you or your company is heavily invested in a relational database system, someone somewhere has probably told you that you should consider going object-oriented-whatever that means. Although object orientation is well understood and accepted in application development, its role in database systems is just beginning to emerge. The lack of an accepted standard

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If you or your company is heavily invested in a relational database system, someone somewhere has probably told you that you should consider going object-oriented-whatever that means. Although object orientation is well understood and accepted in application development, its role in database systems is just beginning to emerge. The lack of an accepted standard only adds to the uncertainty.

This book will help you make sense of the conflicting theories and vendor claims about object-oriented database systems. In it, you will find:

  • Background on the concepts behind the object-oriented paradigm
  • Coverage of the two methods for introducing objects into a database environment: the pure object-oriented approach and a hybrid object-relational approach
  • An in-depth discussion of designing databases for either object-oriented approach
  • A summary of the proposed standard for pure-object databases
  • Database design case studies with comparisons to relational designs to help you understand the implications of switching from a relational system to an object-oriented system
  • Design implementation examples using Oracle and Jasmine

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Product Details

Elsevier Science & Technology Books
Publication date:
Clearly Explained
Product dimensions:
7.33(w) x 9.18(h) x 0.83(d)

Table of Contents

Pt. 1Theory1
Ch. 1Introduction3
Ch. 2Introducing the Object-Oriented Paradigm17
Ch. 3The Object-Oriented Data Model39
Ch. 4The Proposed Object Database Standard65
Ch. 5The Proposed Standards for Object Database Definition79
Pt. 2Practice101
Ch. 6Database Design Case Study #1: Mighty-Mite Motors103
Ch. 7Database Design Case Study #2: East Coast Aquarium153
Ch. 8Database Design Case Study #3: International Intelligence Agency201
Ch. 9Implementation Example #1: Oracle255
Ch. 10Implementation Example #2: Jasmine269

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