Object-Oriented Databases

Object-Oriented Databases

by Setrag Khoshafian

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Offers a comprehensive overview of the concepts, capabilities and alternatives for the next generation database management systems (DBMS). Illustrates how object-oriented ideas of abstract data typing, inheritance and object identity can be integrated with database capabilities such as persistance, transactions and integrity to produce powerful object-oriented DBMS

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Offers a comprehensive overview of the concepts, capabilities and alternatives for the next generation database management systems (DBMS). Illustrates how object-oriented ideas of abstract data typing, inheritance and object identity can be integrated with database capabilities such as persistance, transactions and integrity to produce powerful object-oriented DBMS. Features numerous examples from recently introduced commercial products as well as prototype object-oriented databases.

Editorial Reviews

Library Journal
Databases are tools for finding information, but most hide certain information, that is, routines and code that would confuse or cripple users in their hunt for data. Objects work as a means to concealing connections between fields, links to queries, and other work superfluous to most users. Khoshafian's book is an excellent introduction to a complex topic. The first third explains objects and how they function in databases, working from familiar and historical examples to build your confidence. In the second part, Khoshafian tackles persistence, access, transactions, and versions; his explanations of these not entirely intuitive concepts is remarkable. In the final section, he examines databases and client/server architecture, discussing the implications for database servers. Overall, this book provides a good and up-to-date overview of rapidly developing field.

Product Details

Publication date:
Wiley Professional Computing Series
Product dimensions:
7.51(w) x 9.23(h) x 0.83(d)

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