Object-Oriented Multidatabases Systems

Object-Oriented Multidatabases Systems

by Omran A. Bukhres

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In order to realize the vision of an information superhighway linking people, ideas, and resources, an essential technological challenge has to be addressed: how to link, integrate, and efficiently utilize thousands of different database systems in a variety of industrial and academic settings. Recent research efforts have focused on how to use state of the art… See more details below


In order to realize the vision of an information superhighway linking people, ideas, and resources, an essential technological challenge has to be addressed: how to link, integrate, and efficiently utilize thousands of different database systems in a variety of industrial and academic settings. Recent research efforts have focused on how to use state of the art objected-oriented data models to support this multidatabases integration effort. This is the first practical and usable book on the subject. Although the emphasis in Object-Oriented Multidatabase Systems is on the integration of database systems, approaches that integrate other types of distributed systems are also included. The book is unique in its recognition and analysis of the issues involved at all levels of the integration process. Its breadth and depth make it an essential reference for all database and distributed system professionals, researchers, and students.

Editorial Reviews

A collection of papers on multidatabase systems, object-oriented technology, and their integration, divided into sections on a conceptual overview of multidatabase systems and the object-oriented paradigm; issues such as schema translation and integration techniques, transaction management, and multidatabase query languages; and current prototypes using object-oriented paradigms in the integration process. Of interest to database and distributed systems professionals, researchers, and students. No index. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)

Product Details

Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference
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9.52(w) x 7.29(h) x 1.30(d)

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