"Object-Relational Databases (ORDBMS) are the "next great wave" of database technology, offering powerful opportunities to enhance flexibility, functionality, performance, and enterprise integration. In this book, Informix database architect Paul Brown explains ORDBMS technology in depth, and introduces a start-to-finish design and implementation methodology for ORDBMS development. Brown covers all this, and more." "Object-Relational Database Development brings key features, techniques, and methodologies to life through a start-to-finish e-commerce case study that demonstrates the compelling advantages of ORDBMS technology. Whether you're a database programmer or decision-maker, you won't find a more realistic, insightful guide to ORDBMS development."--BOOK JACKET.
Product Details
- ISBN-13:
- 9780130194602
- Publisher:
Pearson Education
- Publication date:
- 12/30/2000
- Series:
Informix Press Series
- Edition description:
- Pages:
- 828
- Product dimensions:
- 7.06(w) x 9.23(h) x 1.24(d)
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to Object-Relational Database Development.
Overview. Evolution of Database Management Systems. ORDBMS Concepts and Terminology. ORDBMS Advantages. ORDBMS Engineering. Development Example. Structure of this Book. Chapter Summary.
2. Facts, Tables, and Schema: The Object-Relational Data Model.
Introduction: Data Models. The Object-Relational Data Model. The Object Data Model. Object-Relational Structured Query Language (OR-SQL). Object-Relational Schema Definition. Creating Tables. Constraining Table Data. Referential Integrity Constraints. Data Inheritance. Non-Traditional Table Storage. Modifying Tables. Views. Physical Database Design. Database Security and Access Privileges. Chapter Summary.
Tutorial 1. Physical Data Organization.
Table Data: Pages, Heaps and Table Spaces. Large Object Management. Memory Caching. Indices: B-Trees and R-Trees. Tools, Utilities, and Techniques.
3. Object-Relational Queries.
Manipulating Object-Relational Data. Relational Manipulation Operations. Basic SELECT Queries. Object-Relational Structural Features and SELECT Queries. Changing Data Using OR-SQL. UPDATE Statement. DELETE Statement. General Note on Correlated Queries. Advanced SQL. Chapter Summary.
Tutorial 2. The Transaction Concept and its Applications.
Transactions. Implementing Transactions. ORDBMSs and Transaction.
4. Data Type and Function Extensibility.
Introduction to ORDBMS Data Type Extensibility. Overview of Object-Oriented Software Development Concepts. ORDBMS Data Types. Built-In Data Types. COLLECTION Data Types. CAST: Converting Between Data Types. User Defined Types (UDT). DISTINCT TYPES. ROW TYPE. OPAQUE TYPE. Administration of User-Defined Types. Chapter Summary.
Tutorial 3. A Tour of the Available DataBlade Products.
Categories of DataBlade Products. Other DataBlade Approaches.
5. Object Behavior and User-Defined Functions.
Introduction to Extending the ORDBMS with User-Defined Routines. User-Defined Routine Architecture. Creating User-Defined Functions. Function Body. Using User-Defined Functions. Advanced User-Defined Functions. Administering User-Defined Functions. Chapter Summary.
Tutorial 4. Using Java(tm) to Create UDTs and UDRs.
Overview of Java Technology. Java and the ORDBMS. Step 1: Compiling Java Source. Step 2: Combine Class Files into a Java Archive (jar) File. Step 3: Load Archive into ORDBMS. Step 4: Define User-Defined Functions Using the Archive. Java User-Defined Routines. Java Environment Inside the ORDBMS. Embedding Java Classes into the ORDBMS. Design Alternatives for Java Class Storage. Using Java Classes Within the ORDBMS.
6. The ORDBMS and Data Processing.
Data Processing Within Information Systems. Database Stored Procedures. Creating Stored Procedures. Stored Procedure Language (SPL). Administration and Management of Stored Procedures. Active Database Features. OR-SQL TRIGGER. Working with TRIGGERs. Applications of Database Procedures and Triggers. Distributed Data Management. INFORMIX-Star. Replication. RDBMS Gateways. Architectural Implications. Chapter Summary.
7. Client Interfaces to ORDBMSs.
Client Programs and DBMSs. Information System Architectures. Embedding OR-SQL in C - ESQL/C. Managing Result Data. Error and Exception Handling. Communications Layer. Embedded OR-SQL and Application Development. Java Database Connectivity (JDBC). JDBC Queries. Managing Result Data. Java, JDBC and ORDBMS Development. Markup Languages. Web Blade Architecture. Chapter Summary.
8. Object-Relational Database Development.
Introduction to Object-Relational Database Analysis and Design. Database Development Objectives. The ANSI Three-Tier Database Model. ORDBMS Development Methodology Steps. Part 1: Conceptual Modeling. Entity-Relationship Data Modeling. Describing the Entities in the Problem Domain. Describing Relationships Between Entities. Working an Example. E-ER Modeling Summary. Conceptual Object Modeling. Background to Object Analysis. Object Analysis with an ORDBMS. Interface Modeling. Working an Example. Minimize the Set of Object Classes. Conceptual Modeling for Type System Summary. Data Processing and Workload Analysis. Data Processing Operations. Business Rules. Chapter Summary.
9. Object-Relational Database Design.
Design and Implementation of Object-Relational Databases. Implementing the User-Defined Data Types. Implementing User-Defined Functions. Overview of Schema Design. Transformation Procedure. Logical Schema Modeling. Miscellaneous Design Decisions. Testing Techniques. Chapter Summary.
Tutorial 5. Several Examples of Interesting Extensions.
Node Data Type for Hierarchical Management. Ranking User-Defined Aggregates. Dynamic OR-SQL in the Stored Procedure Language.
10. Forging the Perfect DataBlade.
Database Extensibility. How the ORDBMS Uses C UDFs. ORDBMS Programming Environment. SAPI and User-Defined Functions. Argument Handling. MI_FPARAM Argument: Structure and Uses. Coding Guidelines for EXTERNAL UDFs. Large Objects. Top Six Rules for Writing External User-Defined Functions. Chapter Summary.
Tutorial 6. Virtual Table Interface.
Overview of Tutorial. How VTI Works. How the ORDBMS Uses VTI Interfaces. Implementing a New VTI Storage Manager. VTI User-Defined Functions. VTI Memory Structures. Creating VTI User-Defined Functions. Creating a New Access Method. Creating a Table Using the New Access Method. Writeable VTI Interfaces. Applications of VTI. Value Tables. Custom Gateways. Summary.
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