Office Productivity Pack

Office Productivity Pack

by Laurie Ulrich

Learn from real-life examples how to increase your efficiency and "wow-factor" with the Office Productivity Pack. From an industry pro, you learn sound advise and information on using all of the tools in Office. The book approaches Office 95/97 applications in short, to-the-point delivery of information focusing on keyboard and mouse techniques. The CD-ROM includes… See more details below


Learn from real-life examples how to increase your efficiency and "wow-factor" with the Office Productivity Pack. From an industry pro, you learn sound advise and information on using all of the tools in Office. The book approaches Office 95/97 applications in short, to-the-point delivery of information focusing on keyboard and mouse techniques. The CD-ROM includes increased productivity templates and extras to take you to the next level using Office.

Product Details

Publication date:
Special Edition Using... Que Ser.
Product dimensions:
7.47(w) x 9.13(h) x 0.98(d)

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