Official Guide to Mini SQL 2.0

Official Guide to Mini SQL 2.0

by Brian Jepson, David J. Hughes

Mini SQL (mSQL) is the ideal solution for Web and intranet programmers and developers who need a fast, robust client/server database engine, but who don't need the expense or the hassles of Sybase or Oracle. In this official guide, you learn the ins and outs of mSQL 2.0 from its creator, David Hughes. He and well-known computer book author and Internet database expert… See more details below


Mini SQL (mSQL) is the ideal solution for Web and intranet programmers and developers who need a fast, robust client/server database engine, but who don't need the expense or the hassles of Sybase or Oracle. In this official guide, you learn the ins and outs of mSQL 2.0 from its creator, David Hughes. He and well-known computer book author and Internet database expert, Brian Jepson, cover all the bases - from installation to applications development - with insights, tips, tricks, and techniques you won't find anywhere else.

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7.47(w) x 9.19(h) x 1.00(d)

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