Online Business Guide to Financial Services: The Best Online Sites, Resources and Services in: Banking, Economics, Finance and Accounting, Insurance, Investment, Legal and Regulatory, Real Estate, Taxation

Online Business Guide to Financial Services: The Best Online Sites, Resources and Services in: Banking, Economics, Finance and Accounting, Insurance, Investment, Legal and Regulatory, Real Estate, Taxation

by Douglas E. Goldstein

This innovative guide shows the best of what the net has to offer in financial services. As we move further into this era of home banking,electronics transactions,and on-line investing; areas that are no longer speculation but reality,people need a clear and concise guide to the new world of on-line banking and investing. See more details below


This innovative guide shows the best of what the net has to offer in financial services. As we move further into this era of home banking,electronics transactions,and on-line investing; areas that are no longer speculation but reality,people need a clear and concise guide to the new world of on-line banking and investing.

Product Details

McGraw-Hill School Education Group
Publication date:
Best of the Net Ser.
Product dimensions:
7.39(w) x 9.26(h) x 0.88(d)

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