Open-Source Components for Informix Dynamic Server 9.x / Edition 1

Open-Source Components for Informix Dynamic Server 9.x / Edition 1

by Jacques Roy, Paul G. Brown, Jean T. Anderson, William W. White

The fast, easy way to leverage IDS 9.x's full object-relational power!

  • Supercharge your next IDS-9.x application!
  • "Bladelets": easy DataBlade building blocks for powerful object-relational solutions
  • Covers Vtables, temporal data management, hierarchical problems, text manipulation, BLOBs, and much more
  • CD-ROM: Open

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The fast, easy way to leverage IDS 9.x's full object-relational power!

  • Supercharge your next IDS-9.x application!
  • "Bladelets": easy DataBlade building blocks for powerful object-relational solutions
  • Covers Vtables, temporal data management, hierarchical problems, text manipulation, BLOBs, and much more
  • CD-ROM: Open source bladelet code for solving a wide range of business problems

Object-relational databases offer immense power — but many database professionals have failed to use it, because doing so required them to write their own DataBlade extensions. This book presents a breakthrough solution: bladelets. Created by a team of Informix' leading DataBlade experts, bladelets serve as building blocks, bringing Informix Dynamic Server 9.x ORDBMS power to bear on a wide range of business problems, while requiring far less original programming.

All ten bladelets are covered in detail, with open source code provided on CD-ROM. Whether you use them "as is," or as the model for your own DataBlades, they can dramatically improve the performance, value, and time-to-market of your very next database application. Coverage includes:

  • Solving hierarchical problems
  • Extending SQL to support temporal data management
  • Accessing external files through SQL
  • Using SQL as a data type
  • Overcoming database portability problems
  • Manipulating text with regular expressions
  • Removing LVARCHAR size limits
  • Using BLOBs more effectively
  • Managing multiple versions of your data with virtual tables, and much more


Theaccompanying CD-ROM contains all of the book's code examples — plus a toolbox of open-source DataBlades, complete with source code, designed to quickly solve a wide range of business problems.

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Product Details

Pearson Education
Publication date:
Informix Press Series
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
7.02(w) x 9.18(h) x 1.40(d)

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Table of Contents

1. Taking Advantage of Database Extensibility.
Software Extensibility. How Do We Call It? IDS 9.x Object-Relational Features. Usage Examples. A New Approach to Problem Solving. What's Next?

2. Solving Hierarchical Problems with the Node Component.
Node and Hierarchies. Node versus Relational Implementation. Hierarchical Problems. Functions Overview. Indexing and SQL Statements. Client Access. Installation. Limitations and Improvements. Node Component Location. Acknowledgments.

3. Time Is on Our Side: Temporal Extensions to SQ.
Introduction to Temporal Data Management. Shortcomings of SQL-92 and Goals of the Period Bladelet. Overview of Period Bladelet. UDTs in Period Bladelet. UDFs for Temporal Operations. UDA. Statistics and Selectivity. Summary and Conclusions.

4. Accessing External Files through SQL.
RDBMS Characteristics. The VTI Interface. VTI Description. The Flat-File Interface. Creating an Access Method. Creating a Table. Using the Table. Supported Types. Installation. Registration. Removal. Limitations and Improvements. Flat-File Component Location. Acknowledgments. Reference.

5. SQL as a Data Type.
Overview of the Exec SQL Bladelet. Drawbacks and Limitations. Implementation Details for Exec SQL Bladelet. Application Example Using Exec SQL Bladelet. Summary and Conclusions.

6. Managing a World ofShapes.
The Problem That Shapes Solves. Shape Data Types. Functions Overview. Indexing and SQL Statements. Client Access. Installation. Limitations. Shapes Bladelet Location. Acknowledgments.

7. Whose SQL Is It?
How Do Nonstandard Features Come About? Why Not Stick to Standards? Solving the Portability Problem. Example 1: Oracle Compatibility. Example 2: IBM Compatibility. Conclusion. Obtaining SqlLib and Iutil. Acknowledgments.

8. Manipulating Text with Regular Expressions.
Regular Expressions. Regexp SQL Routines Overview. Built-in SQL Functions Overview. Regexp versus Built-In SQL Functions. Performance. Installation. Limitations and Improvements. Regexp Bladelet Location. Acknowledgments.

9. Removing the LVARCHAR Size Limit.
The Problem That mrLvarchar Solves. Candidate Data Types. Functions Overview. Inserting Data. Selecting and Searching Data. Extracting Substrings. Modifying Data. System Administration. Indexing and SQL Statement. Client Access. Installation. Limitations. mrLvarchar Bladelet Location. Acknowledgments.

10. Images Are Data, Too.
Using BLOBs in Image-Enabled Applications. The JPEG Image Format. The LLD Module. JPGImage Bladelet Features. Using the JPGImage Bladelet. Conclusion. JPGImage Bladelet Locatio. Acknowledgments.

11. Multiple Versions of Your Data.
Using VTable. Limitations and Future Enhancements. Where to Get the VTable Distribution. Acknowledgments.

Appendix A: Node Bladelet Functions Reference.
Appendix B: Period Bladelet Functions Reference.
Appendix C: Flat-File Interface Functions Reference.
Appendix D: Exec SQL Bladelet Functions Reference.
Appendix E: Shapes Bladelet Functions Reference.
Appendix F: SqlLib Bladelet Functions Reference.
Appendix G: IUtil Functions Reference.
Appendix H: Regexp Bladelet Functions Reference.
Appendix I: mrLvarchar Bladelet Functions Reference.
Appendix J: JPGImage Bladelet Functions Reference.
Appendix K: VTable Functions Reference.
Appendix L: Building and Deploying DataBlade Executable Objects.

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