Optimal Information Modeling Techniques

Optimal Information Modeling Techniques

by van Slooten

Despite the rapid advance of technology in the last few decades, accurate, on-time and on-budget completion of information systems development projects is still a vision rather than a reality. Despite the rapid advance of technology in the last few decades, accurate, on-time and on-budget completion of information systems development projects is still a vision

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Despite the rapid advance of technology in the last few decades, accurate, on-time and on-budget completion of information systems development projects is still a vision rather than a reality. Despite the rapid advance of technology in the last few decades, accurate, on-time and on-budget completion of information systems development projects is still a vision rather than a reality. An optimal information modeling technique may be defined as an information modeling technique that is most appropriate to be applied in a specific situation indicated by certain contingency factors. Optimal Information Modeling Techniques examines these methods and provides the most recent research in the field, to be applied to the management applications of modern organizations.

Editorial Reviews

Part of Information Systems Development Methodologies, the modeling techniques described here are used during information systems analysis and design. Twenty-four papers describing the models are presented by Kees van Slooten (business information systems, U. of Twente, The Netherlands). Major topics addressed include unified model language, enterprise resource planning, and ontological design Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

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6.92(w) x 10.14(h) x 0.69(d)

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