Optimizing Microsoft SQL Server 7

Optimizing Microsoft SQL Server 7

1.0 1
by Robert Schneider, Jeffrey R. Garbus

With Optimizing SQL Server 7, you'll learn how to develop the blueprint for a Microsoft SQL Server database that will grow with your unique requirements. Discover strategies that lead to a successful index, including structure, columns, keys, data types, and clustering. Unlock the power of the Microsoft SQL Server optimizer to get the highest degree of performance.… See more details below


With Optimizing SQL Server 7, you'll learn how to develop the blueprint for a Microsoft SQL Server database that will grow with your unique requirements. Discover strategies that lead to a successful index, including structure, columns, keys, data types, and clustering. Unlock the power of the Microsoft SQL Server optimizer to get the highest degree of performance. Optimizing SQL Server 7 is packed with experience and tips, but not just for application developers. Database and system administrators can learn all of the basics of Microsoft SQL Server applications, without having to master all the intricacies of the Microsoft SQL Server engine software.

Editorial Reviews

Explains the intricacies of the SQL Server engine necessary to produce fast database applications. For database and system administrators who already understand the engine architecture. The CD-ROM contains a computer-based training course and SQL Relay. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Product Details

A Simon & Schuster Company
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Product dimensions:
6.99(w) x 9.19(h) x 1.58(d)

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