Oracle 8: Intermediate - Advanced

Oracle 8: Intermediate - Advanced

by Edward Honour, Honour, Atul Mehta, Ari Kaplan

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Oracle8 How-To contains solutions to issues faced by professional Oracle database administrators. The book covers solutions related to the Oracle architecture, security, storage management, and performance tuning. Oracle networking, distributed databases, advanced replication, and backup and recovery are also covered in detail. Oracle8 How-To covers the new… See more details below


Oracle8 How-To contains solutions to issues faced by professional Oracle database administrators. The book covers solutions related to the Oracle architecture, security, storage management, and performance tuning. Oracle networking, distributed databases, advanced replication, and backup and recovery are also covered in detail. Oracle8 How-To covers the new features found in Oracle 7.3 and 8.0. Unlike other books which mostly cover theory, each How-To includes examples which takes the guesswork out of performing database administration tasks. Advanced new features of Oracle 7.3 and 8.0 are highlighted with easy to use examples. The book covers topics relating to all recent versions of Oracle making it a valuable reference for Oracle Administrators running previous versions.

  • Oracle Relational Database Management System holds 60% of the relational database market
  • Guides readers through database administration and development issues in Waite Group's easy to read How-To format
  • Addresses practical, real-world database issues in clear, easy-to-understand language

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Editorial Reviews

To facilitate the transition from mainframe legacy systems to client/server technologies using Oracle, a ubiquitous Relational Database Management System, in-depth coverage is provided on solutions related to Oracle architecture, storage management, database creation, Web applications, security, and performance fine-tuning. A companion web site contains source code from the book and links to other Oracle resources. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Product Details

Publication date:
Sams How-To Series
Product dimensions:
7.39(w) x 9.16(h) x 1.79(d)

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