Oracle 8 PL/SQL Black Book: The Oracle 8 Professional's Guide to PL/SQL Language Concepts

Oracle 8 PL/SQL Black Book: The Oracle 8 Professional's Guide to PL/SQL Language Concepts

by Mark Gokman, Jonathan Ingram

Presents the formal syntax, usage, and actual examples for every declaration, command, and error handler. Illustrates all the constructs of PL/SQL in complete, ready-to-use routines, which can be quickly copied and changed for use in each developer's particular application. Provides the syntax and usage for each Oracle8 feature in a separate section of each chapter.… See more details below


Presents the formal syntax, usage, and actual examples for every declaration, command, and error handler. Illustrates all the constructs of PL/SQL in complete, ready-to-use routines, which can be quickly copied and changed for use in each developer's particular application. Provides the syntax and usage for each Oracle8 feature in a separate section of each chapter. Teaches developers how to write Oracle8 routines, create programs, and improve application performance in a client/server environment.

Product Details

Coriolis Group
Publication date:
Black Bks.
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
7.40(w) x 9.20(h) x 2.08(d)

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