Oracle 8 Server Unleashed

Oracle 8 Server Unleashed

by Joe Greene

This book will cover all features of Oracle8 such as: Oracle8 Architecture and the Network Computing Architecture; Migrating or building from scratch, and scaling to fit your business; Programming and Administration; Going beyond the server: system designing, development, and analysis using Developer/2000, Designer/2000 and Discover 3.0; Oracle Enterprise Manager;… See more details below


This book will cover all features of Oracle8 such as: Oracle8 Architecture and the Network Computing Architecture; Migrating or building from scratch, and scaling to fit your business; Programming and Administration; Going beyond the server: system designing, development, and analysis using Developer/2000, Designer/2000 and Discover 3.0; Oracle Enterprise Manager; Using complex data types within a database i.e. business objects, multimedia, Java applets, etc.; Improved replication, performance and backup/recovery; OLTP; Data warehousing & VLDBs (Very Large Databases); Deploying databases on the Web

  • Covers hot topics such as deploying on the Web; data warehousing; business objects; and integrating multimedia, HTML, Java apps, and unstructured text in databases.
  • Oracle8 Server Unleashed is a hands- on handbook/reference that gives the readers the fundamental knowledge needed to effectively work with Oracle8 at an accomplished to expert level.
  • Everything the Oracle database professional needs to know about Oracle8 Server - in one book.

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Product Details

Publication date:
Unleashed Series
Product dimensions:
7.40(w) x 9.66(h) x 2.40(d)

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