Oracle and PL/SQL Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach

Oracle and PL/SQL Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach

by Josh Juneau, Matt Arena

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Oracle PL/SQL Recipes is your go to book for PL/SQL programming solutions. It takes a task-oriented approach to PL/SQL programming that lets you quickly look up a specific task and see the pattern for a solution. Then it's as simple as modifying the pattern for your specific application and implementing it. And you’re done and home for

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Oracle PL/SQL Recipes is your go to book for PL/SQL programming solutions. It takes a task-oriented approach to PL/SQL programming that lets you quickly look up a specific task and see the pattern for a solution. Then it's as simple as modifying the pattern for your specific application and implementing it. And you’re done and home for dinner.

Oracle PL/SQL Recipes is another in Apress’ ongoing series of recipe books aimed at Oracle practitioners. The recipe format is ideal for the busy professional who just needs to get the job done.

  • Covers the most common PL/SQL programming problems
  • Presents solutions in ready-to-use format
  • Stays short and to-the-point
What you’ll learn
  • Move business logic into the database
  • Implement robust exception-handling
  • Optimize and debug, taking advantage of Oracle SQL Developer
  • Integrate PL/SQL with web-based applications
  • Interface with Java code and dynamic languages in the database, and running externally
  • Run the UTPLSQL unit-testing framework
Who this book is for

Oracle PL/SQL Recipes is database administrators and developers wanting to take advantage of Oracle Database’s built-in support for procedural logic. Database administrators can use PL/SQL to automate administrative tasks, audit access to sensitive data, and more. Developers will be able to optimize processing, push business logic into the database layer, and interface with Java and web applications.

Table of Contents
  1. PL/SQL Fundamentals
  2. Essential SQL
  3. Looping and Logic
  4. Functions, Packages, and Procedures
  5. Triggers
  6. Type Conversion
  7. Numbers, Strings, and Dates
  8. Dynamic SQL
  9. Exceptions
  10. PL/SQL Collections and Records
  11. Automating Routine Tasks
  12. Oracle SQL Developer
  13. Analyzing and Improving Performance
  14. Using PL/SQL on the Web
  15. Java in the Database
  16. Accessing PL/SQL from JDBC, HTTP, Groovy, and Jython
  17. Unit Testing With utPLSQL

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