Oracle Application Server 10g Administration Handbook / Edition 1

Oracle Application Server 10g Administration Handbook / Edition 1

by John Garmany, Donald Burleson

From the exclusive publisher of Oracle Press books, here is an architectural and technical reference on how to use Oracle Application Server 10g to Web-enable Oracle databases for application server systems. You’ll find coverage of installation, configuration, and tuning, using Java with Oracle Application Server 10g, and much more.
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From the exclusive publisher of Oracle Press books, here is an architectural and technical reference on how to use Oracle Application Server 10g to Web-enable Oracle databases for application server systems. You’ll find coverage of installation, configuration, and tuning, using Java with Oracle Application Server 10g, and much more.

Product Details

McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing
Publication date:
Oracle Press Series
Product dimensions:
7.30(w) x 9.10(h) x 0.86(d)

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Table of Contents

1Oracle Application Server 10g Architecture and Administration1
Architectural Overview2
The Multitiered Model2
Hardware Architecture of Application Server 10g5
Functional Architecture of Application Server 10g6
Client Tier7
Web Tier7
App Server Tier8
Database Tier10
Component Overview11
Application Server Portal11
Application Server Discoverer12
Oracle Forms Server13
Application Server Personalization13
Oracle Application Server Wireless15
Oracle Reports Server16
Single Sign-On (SSO)17
Oracle Internet Directory17
Metadata Repository (Infrastructure)17
Oracle Management Server (OMS)18
Oracle Application Server 10g Administration18
Administrative Component Overview19
Command-Line Interfaces or OEM?20
Managing Application Server 10g with Enterprise Manager21
Managing Application Server 10g with Command-Line Interfaces22
2The Oracle Application Server 10g Infrastructure35
The Infrastructure Repository36
Immutable iasdb Schemas37
Workflow iasdb Schemas39
Schemas Registered in the OID39
Viewing the Whole iasdb Instance39
The Infrastructure Log Tables45
Writing Your Own Infrastructure Repository Log Scripts47
Viewing the Repository Log Tables49
Infrastructure Log Reports51
Portal Repository Log Audit Reports53
Repository Administration and Management58
Starting and Stopping the Infrastructure58
Single Sign-On (SSO)64
Roles of the SSO Administrator65
Configuring the SSO Server65
Enabling SSO66
Using the SSO Audit Log Tables67
SSO Administration Using the mod_osso Utility73
3Installing Oracle Application Server 10g77
Planning for the Application Server Installation78
Installation Types78
Server Configuration79
Server Requirements80
Other Planning Considerations81
Operating System Setup82
Operating System Installation and Configuration85
Install RedHat 2.1 AS/ES85
Configure RedHat 2.1 AS/ES86
Installation of Application Server 10g92
Environmental Variables92
Installing the Infrastructure93
Installing the Portal and Forms Middle Tier103
Post-Installation Tasks112
Starting and Stopping Application Server 10g113
4Using the Oracle HTTP Server (OHS)117
Managing the Oracle HTTP Server118
Oracle HTTP Server Modules119
Configuring OHS and Using Server Logs120
Global Parameters121
Default Server Parameters122
Virtual Host132
Dynamic Content134
Oracle HTTP Server Performance Tuning135
Monitoring the Oracle HTTP Server with Enterprise Manager135
OHS System Usage Metrics138
OHS Error Metrics139
HTTP Server Response and Load Metrics140
HTTP Server Module Metrics142
HTTP Server Virtual Host Page143
5Web Cache Administration155
Caching: Basic Concepts156
Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Caches156
Types of Caches157
The Oracle Application Server 10g Web Cache159
Locating the Web Cache159
Load Balancing160
Cache Invalidation163
Managing the Oracle Web Cache165
Logging and Diagnostics181
Origin Servers, Sites, and Load Balancing182
Rules for Caching, Personalization, and Compression185
Rule Association187
Webcachectl Utility190
6Using J2EE in the Application Server 10g193
J2EE Introduction194
Client Applications195
Java Server Pages196
Enterprise JavaBeans196
J2EE Containers196
JAR Files, WAR Files, and EAR Files197
J2EE Components197
Java Database Connectivity197
Java Message Service198
Java Naming and Directory Interface198
Java Transaction API198
JavaMail API198
Java API for XML Processing198
Java Authentication and Authorization Service199
Java Virtual Machines199
Enterprise JavaBeans200
Introduction to Oracle Containers for J2EE201
Servlets, JSPs, and Apache Jserv202
Deploying Applications Using Enterprise Manager208
7Oracle Containers for J2EE215
Management of OC4J216
Managing OC4J Using the dcmctl/opmnctl Utilities217
Distributed Configuration Management218
Managing OC4J Using Enterprise Manager221
OC4J--Instance or Container222
Creating an OC4J Container222
Deleting an OC4J Container222
Starting an OC4J Container223
OC4J Home Page224
OC4J Listeners233
8Database Connections and TopLink235
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)237
Thin Driver237
OCI Driver238
Server-Side Driver238
Dynamic SQL238
Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)239
Data Sources and OC4J239
Bean Managed Persistence244
Container Managed Persistence244
Oracle Application Server TopLink 10g244
TopLink Mapping Workbench 10g245
9High Availability253
Why Are Systems Unavailable?254
Eliminating Single Points of Failure255
Web Cache Tier256
Infrastructure Tier259
Back-End Database259
Disaster Recovery260
Backup and Recovery260
Rolling Upgrades261
OC4J High Availability Features261
Hot Deployments and Redeployments261
OC4J Islands261
Transparent Application Failover262
High Availability of Applications263
10Performance Tuning265
Proactive Tuning: An Overview266
Setting Up the Monitoring Environment267
Establishing a Standard User Environment268
Forms Server Monitoring271
Summarizing Forms Server Log Information274
Transaction-Level Response Time Monitoring276
Component Response Time Breakdown277
Monitoring and Load-Balancing the Oracle HTTP Server(OHS)278
Using dmstool279
Monitoring with aggrespy294
Monitoring the Oracle Database Instances294
Web Cache Tuning297
Cacheability Rules297
Monitoring the Web Cache297
Oracle HTTP Server and Web Cache299
Load Balancing Oracle Application Server 10g301
Oracle Application Server 10g Monitoring302
Monitoring and Load-Balancing the UNIX Server308
UNIX Monitoring Goals308
Overview of the vmstat Utility310
Generating Reports on UNIX Server Overload313
Server Exception Reports314
Daily Server Alert Report320
11Backup and Recovery325
Why You Need a Backup Plan326
External Problems326
Internal Problems327
Backing Up Application Server 10g327
What to Back Up328
Application Server Protection328
Backing Up Application Server Instances329
Recovering the Application Server329
Metadata Repository Database Protection331
Undo Logs331
Archive Logs332
Control Files333
Cold Backup334
Hot Backup335
Recovery Manager (RMAN)339
Database Recovery339
Complete Database Recovery341
Database Recovery Issues341
Application Server 10g Backup and Recovery Tool341
12Oracle Application Server 10g Security343
Component Security Features344
Web Cache344
Oracle HTTP Server344
Oracle Container for Java346
Oracle Identity Management346
Oracle Internet Directory347
Delegated Administration Services349
Single Sign-On354

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