Oracle Backup and Recovery Handbook

Oracle Backup and Recovery Handbook

by Rama Velpuri

Written by back up expert Rama Velpuri, Oracle Backup & Recovery Handbook, 7.3 Edition will give you an overview of the Oracle RDBMS architecture, including a discussion of the basic procedures needed to understand backup and recovery procedures; various backup procedures specific to certain operating system environments; the difference between logical and physical… See more details below


Written by back up expert Rama Velpuri, Oracle Backup & Recovery Handbook, 7.3 Edition will give you an overview of the Oracle RDBMS architecture, including a discussion of the basic procedures needed to understand backup and recovery procedures; various backup procedures specific to certain operating system environments; the difference between logical and physical backups; concepts of recovery, involving crucial recovery structures and detailed recovery procedures; and a new case study featuring the Standby Database capabilities of Oracle7 Release 7.3. Packed with real-life case studies, Oracle Backup & Recovery Handbook, 7.3 Edition is required reading for anyone responsible for strategic data management. Case studies based on Oracle's exclusive customer histories have descriptions of system failures and solutions giving the best and fastest way to recover the database, with other recovery options listed. You'll also find actual backup scripts (code) that you can use, and discussions of Oracle7 Release 7.3's new functionality.

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Product Details

McGraw-Hill Osborne
Publication date:
Oracle Press Ser.
Product dimensions:
7.31(w) x 9.09(h) x 0.80(d)

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