Oracle Data Mining: Mining Gold from Your Warehouse

Oracle Data Mining: Mining Gold from Your Warehouse

by Carolyn K. Hamm

Oracle experts know that data mining is one of the most complex and challenging areas of any data warehouse.

In this concise book, Dr. Carolyn Hamm shares the secrets for success in data mining. Using proven techniques and approaches, Dr. Hamm explains how to perform complex predictive analysis without having a PhD in multivariate statistics.

This indispensable

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Oracle experts know that data mining is one of the most complex and challenging areas of any data warehouse.

In this concise book, Dr. Carolyn Hamm shares the secrets for success in data mining. Using proven techniques and approaches, Dr. Hamm explains how to perform complex predictive analysis without having a PhD in multivariate statistics.

This indispensable book show how to glean hidden trends and correlations from terabytes of Oracle data, using proven tools such as SAS and ODM.

Targeted at the data warehouse professional, Dr. Hamm explains the complex concepts in plain English and give you a framework to help you get started fast.

Your time savings from a single tip is worth the price of this great book.

Product Details

Rampant TechPress
Publication date:
Oracle In-Focus series
Product dimensions:
7.00(w) x 8.90(h) x 0.60(d)

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