Oracle Database 10g New Features: Oracle10g Reference for Advanced Tuning & Administration

Oracle Database 10g New Features: Oracle10g Reference for Advanced Tuning & Administration

by Mike Ault, Daniel Liu, Madhu Tumma

For those database administrators intending to upgrade or those who need to know the new features that will affect the entire Oracle database world, this book relates all of the features of this new database. The complete details of the database's new features, including database management and administration enhancements, are discussed. Improvements and additions

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For those database administrators intending to upgrade or those who need to know the new features that will affect the entire Oracle database world, this book relates all of the features of this new database. The complete details of the database's new features, including database management and administration enhancements, are discussed. Improvements and additions to security, architecture, Internet features, real application clusters, and performance are also detailed.

Product Details

Rampant Techpress
Publication date:
Oracle In-Focus series
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
6.36(w) x 8.90(h) x 1.62(d)

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