Oracle Database 10g PL/SQL Programming / Edition 1

Oracle Database 10g PL/SQL Programming / Edition 1

by Scott Urman, Ron Hardman, Michael McLaughlin

Write Robust PL/SQL Applications

Create dynamic client/server applications using PL/SQL and the comprehensive information contained in this authoritative volume. Expert Oracle insiders cover the features of PL/SQL, explain scripting semantics and syntax, and fully detail the PL/SQL functionality of Oracle Database 10g. You’ll learn how to write

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Write Robust PL/SQL Applications

Create dynamic client/server applications using PL/SQL and the comprehensive information contained in this authoritative volume. Expert Oracle insiders cover the features of PL/SQL, explain scripting semantics and syntax, and fully detail the PL/SQL functionality of Oracle Database 10g. You’ll learn how to write powerful PL/SQL programs, interact with Oracle databases, perform complex calculations, and handle error conditions. Plus, you’ll get insider programming tips and techniques and real-world examples from the Oracle community.

  • Develop, tune, and debug PL/SQL programs that access Oracle databases from a wide variety of environments
  • Use PL/SQL block structures, variables, datatypes, expressions, operators, and statements
  • Regulate and recover from errors using exceptions and exception handlers
  • Deploy subprograms, procedures, functions, packages, and triggers
  • Accomplish intersession communication with DBMS_PIPE and DBMS_ALERT
  • Write object-oriented PL/SQL applications
  • Manage large sets of data using PL/SQL records and objects
  • Work with Oracle Net Services, external procedures, Java libraries, and C shared libraries
  • Perform object-oriented programming using transient objects, inheritance, type evolution, and attribute chaining
  • Automate database tasks with DBMS_JOB and DBMS_SCHEDULER and add e-mail functionality with UTL_SMTP and UTL_MAIL

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Product Details

McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing
Publication date:
Oracle Press Series
Product dimensions:
7.30(w) x 9.20(h) x 1.72(d)

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Table of Contents

PART I: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction to PL/SQL
Chapter 2: Using SQL*Plus and JDeveloper
Chapter 3: PL/SQL Basics
Chapter 4: Using SQL with PL/SQL
Chapter 5: Records
Chapter 6: Collections
Chapter 7: Error Handling
Chapter 8: Creating Procedures, Functions, and Packages
Chapter 9: Using Procedures, Functions, and Packages
Chapter 10: Database Triggers
PART II: Advanced PL/SQL Features
Chapter 11: Intersession Communication
Chapter 12: External Routines
Chapter 13: Dynamic SQL
Chapter 14: Introduction to Objects
Chapter 15: Objects in the Database
Chapter 16: Large Objects
Chapter 17: Scheduling Tasks
PART III: Appendixes
Appendix A: PL/SQL Reserved Words
Appendix B: Guide to Supplied Packages

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