Oracle Database 12c SQL / Edition 1

Oracle Database 12c SQL / Edition 1

by Jason Price

Write Powerful SQL Statements and PL/SQL Programs

Learn how to access Oracle databases through SQL statements and construct PL/SQL programs. Oracle Database 12c SQL offers complete coverage of the latest database features and techniques. Find out how to write SQL statements to retrieve and modify database information, use SQL*Plus and SQL

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Write Powerful SQL Statements and PL/SQL Programs

Learn how to access Oracle databases through SQL statements and construct PL/SQL programs. Oracle Database 12c SQL offers complete coverage of the latest database features and techniques. Find out how to write SQL statements to retrieve and modify database information, use SQL*Plus and SQL Developer, work with database objects, write PL/SQL programs, use performance optimization techniques, incorporate XML, and more. This Oracle Press guide contains everything you need to know to master SQL.

  • Use SQL statements to access an Oracle database
  • Work with SQL*Plus and SQL Developer
  • Write PL/SQL programs
  • Create tables, sequences, indexes, views, and triggers
  • Design advanced queries containing complex calculations
  • Create database objects to handle abstract data
  • Use date, time stamp, and time interval data types
  • Establish user roles and privileges
  • Handle multimedia files using large objects
  • Tune SQL statements to make them execute faster
  • Generate, process, and store XML data
  • Master the very latest Oracle Database 12c features

Code examples in the book are available for download.

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McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing
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7.30(w) x 9.00(h) x 1.60(d)

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